Do you want to know my process of creating images?

Dec 08, 2023Kjersti Lamb

Many people ask me how I create my images, what my process is like.

Not least, many people wonder where I get the ideas for my motifs?

A picture is created…

I am an introvert and spend a lot of time alone. In my alone moments my thoughts spin in high gear. I love to analyze things, feel things, sense, evaluate... but I don't like to put things into words orally in the same way that I do visually. My feelings and thoughts have to be put down on paper in the form of words and images. I am genuinely concerned with being a fellow human being, trying to make a small difference for a person. At the same time, I am an introvert and don't have the capacity and energy to be very social. Thus, my form of being a fellow human being in everyday life became a life as an artist, putting words and images on vulnerability and life, through art that I share with the world. I am humbled by the heartwarming feedback I receive from people who are touched by my art.

An idea can arise through a conversation with a person. A sentence or a topic that is being talked about, and I can suddenly imagine a picture in my head from this conversation. When I read a book, or see something online, a picture often forms in my head. A film can also create ideas. I can turn the simple little things in everyday life over and over in my head, analyze and come up with a picture. I write down all the ideas that pop up in my head in a book. This way I have all my ideas collected in one place.

What happens next after an idea?

From a motif forming in my head to a physical image can be a long time. I need to have time and peace around me when I take out my paintbrushes. I set aside time in my calendar for creative work. Then I put everything else away and work in my studio at home in my house. I can drink three cups of coffee and walk around the house and do a lot of unreasonable things before I manage to get anything down on the canvas. It is a bit tiring and difficult process. I always think first - I can't do this! I won't be able to make a picture this time! I have lost the ability to make art! And this happens every time. You might think that when you are approaching 50 years old and have lived from art for many years, you would have gained more faith in yourself - but no! You have to go through the same ordeal every single time!

I use acrylic paint when I paint. I often use a technique called mixed media. I mix different materials in the same picture. I use textiles. I love using textiles with small flowers that I cut out for dresses and hearts that I glue onto a canvas. Then I paint details on the textiles with acrylic paint. The smallest details are drawn on with a small black pen. I also use chalk, colored pencils and pastels in the details of my pictures.

When an image is finished, I scan or photograph the image and upload the design digitally to my Mac. Some images I further process in programs like Illustrator or Procaste.


I print all my pictures on a huge printer that is almost 2 meters long. The printing machine is in an office I rent 200 meters from my house. I have a short commute to work. The printing method is called Gicleé. A finished motif is printed in 300 editions. Each picture is signed and numbered by me.

The online store

My pictures are sold in my own online store. Here you can choose whether you want the picture with or without a frame. If you choose a frame, we will frame it nicely at our place before we send it to the customer. We have a great young guy who comes and packs the art for us and makes it ready for the post office to pick it up. We ship items from the online store to our customers twice a week.

The team behind Kjersti Munkejord Lamb

I am lucky enough to have two sons in my family business. The team behind my art consists of four people. Kjersti creates the art, Reidar (19 years old) is the general manager and takes care of the operations. Andrew (21 years old) takes care of all the marketing and Oskar (16 years old) packs the goods.

We rent a cozy house very close to where we live and have created a workplace that is our second home.

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Dec 08, 2023